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Day level permalink December 25, 2002

Law Requiring Lower Drug Prices Is Struck Down
New York Times -- State efforts to provide prescription drugs to low-income people suffered a setback today as the United States Court of Appeals here struck down a pioneering program established by the State of Maine.

Merry Christmas Multi National Drug Companies!
3:09:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

Melbourne Herald Sun
Wal-Mart pulls pregnant doll
CNN - The world's largest retailer pulled Mattel's pregnant Midge doll from store shelves. The doll is being sold as part of the "Happy Family" set that included husband Allan and a son doll Ryan.
3:07:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sharon suspects Iraq sent weapons to Syria
CNN - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said his country is looking into reports that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has transferred to Syria weapons he wanted to hide -- a claim Syria denies.

The problem is when did they move the weapons? Iraq has been watched very closly for the last 3 years.  Surely it would have been noticed.
3:03:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

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