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Day level permalink December 9, 2002

I have heard of people sleeping past their bus stop, but this woman slept through her planes stop in  St. John's, Newfoundland. - A Newfoundland woman is demanding answers from Air Canada after her 90-minute flight home became a 15-hour odyssey to England and back.
Catherine Coyle, 39, who moved to Halifax 10 years ago, was flying home to the Newfoundland capital late Thursday to be with her ailing mother. 
She fell asleep shortly after the flight left Halifax, tired after days of not sleeping and worrying about her mother. When she woke up several hours later, she immediately sensed something was wrong. 
"I woke up about 1 a.m. and noticed that there was a different person sitting next to me," she said. "Then the pilot announced the possible arrival time and that the flying time would be four-and-a-half hours. I was shocked." 
Ms. Coyle approached a flight attendant for an explanation and was told the flight was almost 30 minutes out of St. John's and headed to London, England.
6:57:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Male contraceptive found by accident
United Press International -- British scientists said Monday they discovered unexpectedly that a drug already approved to treat a rare genetic disorder also might work as a male contraceptive.
A birth control pill for men could result from these findings -- which were made in mice -- with fewer side effects than others in development, they said.
6:26:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Replay it again, Sam
Salon - Personal video recorders already have Hollywood running scared. Now Microsoft is pushing a new computer that will make trading TV shows as easy as using ... Napster.
5:41:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Boston cardinal's trip to Rome raises speculation of resignation, bankruptcy
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Cardinal Bernard Law consulted with the Vatican on Monday during an abrupt trip to Rome, stirring speculation that he was stepping down or arranging for the Boston Archdiocese to declare bankruptcy.
5:18:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Carbon Chip Breakthrough May Crush Silicon
Newsfactor - 
Xerox researchers in Canada claim they have stabilized polythiophene, a normally unstable, yet highly flexible, semiconducting polymer that can be etched with electronic circuits in place of rigid silicon chips, promising newspaper-thin computer monitors and televisions you can pin to your wall.
4:43:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

Campus Anti Semitism Watch

Concordia University Hillel banned by Student Union
Jerusalem Post, Israel - The campus Hillel at Concordia University is threatening to file a lawsuit against the university's student union after its status as a campus organization and funding were revoked last week. The late-night, hastily-called vote lacked due process, say Hillel officials.

"the vote took place on the last day of class, at midnight and with little notice."

3:39:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

'Think clearly, act decisively'
Boston Globe - (Here is) the edited text of a letter sent yesterday by James E. Post, president of Voice of the Faithful, to the organization's 100-member governing council, suggesting three resolutions aimed at removing Cardinal Bernard F. Law from his post as archbishop of Boston. Post said he expects all three resolutions to be approved.
1:50:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

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