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Day level permalink November 29, 2002

New DVD Player Receives Digital Media Directly from The Internet
Yahoo Headlines - KiSS Technology, a leading Scandinavian manufacturer of DVD products throughout the world, today announced their DP500, the first DVD player to offer an Ethernet connection and DivX support. The DP500 begins shipping today and represents the second in a series of new DVD players from KiSS, based on a strategic relationship with Sigma Designs, using their EM8500 progressive DVD decoder chip.
1:59:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bin Laden tape 'not genuine'
BBC - Researchers in Switzerland have questioned the authenticity of the recent taped statement attributed to Osama bin Laden, which was broadcast two weeks ago by the Al-Jazeera Arabic television network.
10:13:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

Animal rights group to air provocative 'turkey terror' ad
San Francisco Chronicle - A year after promising to temper its often graphic messages in light of the Sept. 11 attacks, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the nation's largest animal rights group, has prepared a "turkey terror" commercial that draws on Americans' fear of terrorism.
The new television campaign, scheduled to run through the holiday season, depicts a terrorist takeover of a supermarket. The store manager is shown bound and gagged, with shoppers cowering, as an unseen hostage taker warns that "innocent creatures" will be beaten, scalded and dismembered if anyone resists.
10:02:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

Judge: School violated boy's free speech rights
CNN - A federal judge has ruled that a school district violated a student's rights to free speech and due process when it suspended him for posting "intimidation and threats" on the Internet.
9:59:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

Massachusetts eyes appeal on Microsoft antitrust ruling
Seattle Times, WA - At least one of the nine states suing Microsoft for antitrust violations, Massachusetts, is leaning toward appealing a judge's rejection of their proposed harsh sanctions in favor of a more lenient settlement, say people familiar with the matter.
8:18:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

Kenya Holds 12 Over Attacks, Israel Vows Vengeance
ABC News - Kenyan police said they were holding a dozen people on Friday over the twin bomb and missile attacks on Israeli tourists, after Israel vowed to hunt down all those behind the Mombasa bloodbath.
8:13:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

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