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Day level permalink November 26, 2002

David Graham Du Bois, professor of Afro-American studies at UMass, Amherst. writes that "So far, not one Israeli citizen has been listed among the victims (of 9-11)."  He goes on to show how the Mossad must have known in advance and warned the israelis that might have gone to work that day.

It is a complete falsehood, and the guy needs to remove the posting, and apologize.  Either, he got his information from a source that set him up, or he is the worst sort of scum imaginable.  Either way this is not protected free speech, but hate speech, clear as day.

From Five documented names should suffice: Haggai Sheffi, Shai Levinhar and Leon Lebor in the towers; and Danny Lewin and Alona Abraham in the planes. Dozens of Jewish-Americans also perished. It sickens me I even have to report on this easily accessible information and that a professor at a major university, with the same facts at his fingertips, chose to perpetrate an evil lie instead.

9:06:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

AOL may get content from Time Inc.
MSNBC - Want to read People magazine online? Soon, it might cost you. America Online and sister magazine publisher Time Inc. are discussing an agreement under which a substantial portion of the content on Time Inc.’s currently free Web sites could be transferred onto America Online’s struggling proprietary service, company executives say.
8:53:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

A naked, highly intoxicated 110-pound female arrestee; male prison guards; a padded cell; and a restrainer board:
How Appealing The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit today decided an appeal involving these facts. By a vote of 2-1, the panel held that the prison guards were entitled to qualified immunity on the arrestee's federal civil rights claim -- although the panel unanimously affirmed a $2,500 award in the arrestee's favor on a state law invasion of privacy claim. As a result of this ruling, the arrestee lost her right to collect her attorney's fees from the defendants. You can access the court's ruling at this link.

Hopefully the lesson learned is not to drink so much that you lose control.  Or is that blaming the victim?

8:15:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

Thanksgiving Travel Stampede
CBS News - Since February, the Transportation Security Administration reports confiscating almost 35,000 box-cutters, almost one million knives and 932 guns nationwide.

You can be sure that the process is not getting 100%.  Those a very scary numbers.

7:48:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

Senior Senator Says Bush Needs to be Harder on Saudis
Voice of America - The incoming head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee says he wants the White House to demand Saudi Arabia crack down on suspected terrorist financing through charities.
6:45:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Extra TV

Cage and Presley Divorce
Extra TV - Now just three months, fifteen days after the stars said "I do" in a secret Hawaiian ceremony, the marriage between Nicolas Cage and Lisa Marie Pressley is over. "Extra" has learned that the Academy Award winner filed divorce papers Monday in Los Angeles.

I really hate to hear this, they seemed so well matched to each other.  Both kinda creepy in their obsession for Elvis.

5:59:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC News
Israel Air Raid Kills Two Top Palestinian Militants
ABC News - Israel killed two top Palestinian militant commanders in an air strike on a house in Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank on Tuesday, witnesses said.
5:55:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Corp. says it has 7.4 percent stake in Comcast Corp.
Detroit News, MI - The world's largest software maker, holds a 7.4 percent stake, or more than 100 million shares, in Comcast Corp., according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 
Comcast, the world's largest cable operator, last week completed the acquisition of AT&T Corp.'s cable business for about $58.7 billion in stock and debt. Microsoft, which invested about $5 billion in AT&T in 1999, converted that stake into its new holding in the combined company.
12:52:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

AOL, Time Inc. said to be in talks over online magazine content
Boston Globe, MA - America Online and Time Inc. are in discussions about making Time Inc.'s magazine content available via America Online, rather than the entire Internet, a person familiar with the matter said.
Such a deal would bring the two units of AOL Time Warner closer together, while offering a potentially significant lift to the struggling Internet division.
Currently, most of Time Inc.'s magazines, including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, and Cooking Light, can be read for free online. Making that content available exclusively through America Online could provide a significant boost to the Internet service provider, which is seeking to attract subscribers
12:45:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

Miss World journo flees Nigeria
News24 - Lagos - The author of an article on the Miss World pageant considered blasphemous by many Nigerian Muslims has fled the country after a violent backlash, a senior source at her former newspaper said.
12:35:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli Troops Battle Palestinians in Gaza
Voice of America - Israeli troops swept into the central Gaza Strip early Tuesday, battling Palestinian gunmen and demolishing the home of a wanted militant.
Abu Mazen: Use of arms during intifada was a mistake Ha'aretz
10:51:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

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