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Day level permalink November 16, 2002

Saddam: Iraq Seeks to Avoid War
Austin American Statesman - President Saddam Hussein said Saturday he had no choice but to accept a tough, new U.N. weapons inspection resolution because the United States and Israel had shown their "claws and teeth'' and declared unilateral war on the Iraqi people.
In an open letter to Iraq's parliament, Saddam said he hoped the weapons inspectors would help the U.N. Security Council "to see the truth as it really is about Iraq being completely free of weapons of mass destruction.''
10:11:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

IranMania News
Iran's Supreme Leader Orders Review of Blasphemy Case
Voice of America - An Iranian news report says Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has ordered the head of the country's judiciary to re-examine the case of a dissident scholar sentenced to death for blasphemy.
10:08:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

New WorldCom chief spurned Microsoft: report
New Zealand Herald - WorldCom's new chief executive, Michael Capellas, who is the former president of Hewlett-Packard, is said to have turned down the number three job at Microsoft on Thursday, according to a report in the online edition of the New York Times.
10:07:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Shatner Boldly Writes Book No. 14.
Wired News - William Shatner, the prolific novelist who used to be Capt. Kirk, is coming out with the fifth installment of his sci-fi series. Shadow Planet is actually pretty good. Review by Steve Kettmann.
8:11:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

12 killed, 15 hurt in attack on Israelis in Hebron
ABS CBN News - Palestinian gunmen ambushed Jewish settlers walking home from Sabbath prayers at the Tomb of the Patriarchs, killing at least 12 people in the deadliest attack on Israelis in Hebron in two years of violence.
8:03:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

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