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Day level permalink November 7, 2002

Al Qaeda admits Bali blasts on Web
CNN Europe, Europe - -- Islamic militant group al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the bomb attack on a Bali nightclub in which more than 180 people died.
The group said it had targeted "nightclubs and whorehouses in Indonesia" in a Web site message which also boasted of its aim to hit inside Arab and Islamic countries which are part of a "Jewish-Crusader" alliance.
11:20:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

German Red Cross official abducted by armed Palestinians in Gaza.
Jerusalem Post, Israel -  A group of armed Palestinians abducted a German Red Cross official Nicolai Panke in The Gaza Strip on Thursday afternoon, Israel Radio reported. [Palestine & Israel News]
4:21:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Linksys Router Flaw Reported
PC World -  An easily exploitable software vulnerability in a common home networking router by Linksys Group could expose thousands of home users to denial-of-service attacks, according to a security advisory issued by IDefense, a software security company.
Linksys is one of a number of companies that sell low-priced network gear to small-office and home-office customers. The product, the Linksys BEFSR41 EtherFast Cable/DSL Router, is a low-cost router that allows two or more computers to share an Ethernet or broadband Internet connection.
2:18:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Legislators blast Arafat's shadow cabinet
Jerusalem Post, Israel - Members of the Palestinian Legislative Council on Wednesday accused Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat of forming a shadow cabinet that is functioning alongside the new one he announced two weeks ago.

We have two cabinets, not one," a Fatah official told The Jerusalem Post. "Ministers who walked out the door are now returning through the windows. Is this the kind of reform we want? Is this the way to save money?"  

12:20:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Federal Officials Dismiss Charges Against Sniper Suspect
Washington Post - The federal criminal complaint against sniper suspect John Allen Muhammad has been dismissed, according to court documents. A statement by federal officials in Greenbelt, Md., didn’t make clear why they took the action, including whether that means they were deferring to state prosecutors.
12:13:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

No Fish Tale: Swimming in Macs.
Wired News - Aquariums made from old Macintosh computers have become as iconic as the Mac itself. The practice started as a joke, but has evolved into a booming cottage industry. By Leander Kahney.


9:34:20 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sydney Morning Herald
Man named as suspect in Bali blasts
United Press International -  The owner of a van that was used in the bombings of a tourist area on Bali has confessed to taking part in the plot to plant the explosives, Indonesian police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar said Thursday.
8:03:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

Study finds no autism link to MMR
Guardian - New evidence of the safety of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is published today in the shape of a study which found no link between children being given the triple jab and the onset of autism.
7:49:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sendo Drops Microsoft Software for Nokia
Reuters - British mobile phone maker Sendo said on Thursday it had abandoned a long-awaited Microsoft-based phone and chosen to go with Nokia's rival software instead.
7:47:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

Two likely plague cases in NYC _ but officials say no cause for alarm
Newsday - A husband and wife who fell ill while visiting from New Mexico likely contracted bubonic plague, the first cases in the city in at least a century, health officials said.
7:45:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

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