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Day level permalink November 22, 2002

Microsoft, Disney take issue with Comcast - Microsoft, Disney, and Yahoo have been making quite a lot of noise since the FCC approved the Comcast AT&T merger. The companies, who have joined forces with several consumer groups, argue that the FCC's policies are allowing the creation of massive broadband companies that will damage the freedom of the internet. According to a Microsoft attorney, widespread broadband "will accomplish little if consumers are deprived of the ability they now enjoy lawfully to roam over the Internet; to run the applications they want using the equipment they choose."

Pot meets Kettle.

1:31:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft: Xbox Live is living large.
CNET - The software giant says its initial shipment of 150,000 starter kits for Xbox Live has nearly sold out. But analysts are cautious about the new online service.
1:23:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli Forces Enter Bethlehem; British UN Official Is Slain in Jenin Camp. (Bloomberg World News) Israeli forces entered Bethlehem in reprisals for yesterday's terrorist bombing of a commuter bus, while in another West Bank city a United Nations official was shot dead during a clash between troops and Palestinian gunmen. [Palestine & Israel News]
1:18:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

100 Killed in Nigeria Riots Triggered by Miss World Pageant
Washington Post - KADUNA, Nigeria Christian youths retaliated against Muslims in this northern city Friday in the third day of riots triggered by a newspaper article about the Miss World pageant. Red Cross officials said about 100 had died and 500 were seriously injured in the violence.

In my opinion, this should force the cancellation of the event.  There is no way that it should be held anywhere near this religous hatred and violence.

This is NOT about some stupid remark in a newspaper article, but only about an excuse to murder people who don't practice the same religion. 

11:12:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

Scientists hope microbe trial could lead to a new energy source
ABC Online - Scientists in the United States are to press ahead with plans to create a new life form in the laboratory. Dr Craig Venter, the man behind the privately funded human genome sequence, and Dr Hamilton Smith, a Nobel Prize winning geneticist, want to create a man-made microbe with the minimum number of genes needed to sustain life.
8:45:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Missionary dead in Lebanon
Newsday - Sidon, Lebanon - An American missionary was fatally shot yesterday morning as she opened a medical clinic for the poor in southern Lebanon. It was believed to be the first targeted killing of a US citizen in the country in more than 10 years.

If anyone wonders why the christian right worries about Jerusalem becoming an Arab capital city, it is the idea that Infidels will not be welcome.


8:42:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

USS Cole bombing suspect caught
The Age - US forces have captured a top al Qaeda commander thought to have been in charge of Arabian Peninsula operations, including the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole.
8:38:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Arabs urged to back Mitzna's peace bid
Melbourne Herald Sun - PRIOR to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, Israel's dovish new Labour leader Amran Mitzna, a former general in the Israel Defence Force, made a pact with his army mates: they each grew a beard and pledged not to shave it until there was peace.
Twenty-five years later Mr Mitzna still wears his beard, which is now mostly grey. But Lebanon-based newspaper The Daily Star, published across the Middle East, is lobbying to give him a reason to visit the barber.
8:35:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

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