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Day level permalink November 19, 2002

US Scientists Link Brain Damage to Snoring
Discovery Channel - Brain damage not a blocked airway may be the cause of a sleeping disorder that causes explosively loud snoring and fitful nights, US researchers said Monday.
12:04:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

So, you thought you were safe settling for the decaf
Sydney Morning Herald - Decaffeinated coffee can give the heart every bit as big a jolt as the full-strength equivalent, according to new research which suggests a mystery ingredient of coffee has yet to be discovered.
12:01:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Does this Iranian Student reform movement seem familier to anyone else?  All the Mullahs have to do is exile Aghajari to Paris to get this whole revolution started.

Most of the ruling Ayatollah's were in the streets not all that long ago, protesting against the Shah. 

11:15:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

From Instapundit:


More than 4,000 students came out to march today, the Iranian Student News Agency said, and student leaders said their demands went beyond Mr. Aghajari's release. They said they would press for the release of all political prisoners and for a guarantee of freedom of speech.

"We demand unconditional release of Mr. Aghajari but demand freedom of speech and opinion for everyone and forever," Abdullah Momeni, one of the speakers at the university today, said in a telephone interview afterward.

Mr. Momeni added that the students did not consider apostasy, the charge against Mr. Aghajari, a crime. He said the judiciary, which generally supports the hard-liners in the government, was acting like courts in the Middle Ages.

"Apostasy has no meaning in the world today, which favors freedom of speech and opinion," he said.


8:53:01 AM  Item-level permalink    

ABC Online
Star hints at birth of black holes
USA Today - Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have captured evidence of a black hole hurtling through the Milky Way galaxy with gravity so strong that it's dragging a star behind.

8:41:28 AM  Item-level permalink    

High-Fat Diet Shows Promise in Study
ABC News - Nov. 19 After years of dismissing the high-fat, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet, the medical establishment is at last putting it to a careful test and finding it might not be the nutritional folly they long assumed.
8:39:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

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