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Day level permalink November 6, 2002

Disney battles coupon goof
CNET News - Using a coupon code that was passed around on shopping discussion sites, consumers flooded the company's with four times the normal volume of orders.
10:46:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Equipment maker Cisco back to profit
United Press International - Network equipment giant Cisco Systems Inc. reported a return to profitability for first-quarter fiscal 2003, compared with a year-earlier loss, the company said in a statement Wednesday.
10:43:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft memo: Linux fight backfiring
CNET - Some of Microsoft's efforts to disparage open-source software such as Linux have backfired, according to a recent memo by the software maker.
10:41:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

South Korea to invest US$11b in broadband
South China Morning Post (subscription) - Aiming to enhance its position as the world's most wired country, South Korea unveiled plans on Wednesday for telecommunications companies to invest 13.3 trillion won (about US$10.9 billion) in high-speed broadband networks by 2005.
9:05:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

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