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Day level permalink November 21, 2002

Princess Anne found guilty in British courts - SLOUGH: Queen Elisabeth's only daughter Princess Anne became the first British royal convicted of a criminal offence in 350 years yesterday, pleading guilty to letting her dog bite two children.
5:29:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Michael Moore Caught At Own Game?.
Wired News - The creator of Roger & Me and Bowling for Columbine predicted in an online essay a resounding victory for Democrats in the Nov. 5 elections. But the piece has since been taken down, and critics are having a field day. By Paul Boutin.
5:28:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

Egyptian TV 'Knight' crusades against US, Jews
Christian Science Monitor -  Critics say the 41-part series - which has become a launching pad for public anger at the US and Israel - is anti-Semitic and anti-American.
To the naive observer, the Egyptian television series "Knight Without a Horse" might seem like basic fare, with jiggling belly dancers, jealous wives, and men in mustaches plotting against colonial rule.
But this seemingly innocuous series stirred controversy weeks before it hit the screen. The United States, Israel, and Jewish groups have denounced its inclusion of a long-discredited, anti-Semitic forgery. Egyptian officials have denied that the series is anti-Semitic. And Arab intellectuals and artists have accused the US of stifling free expression and called on Israel to stop killing Palestinians before criticizing the program.
5:25:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

Major Suspect in Bali Bombing Is Arrested in Indonesia
New York Times - Indonesian authorities arrested a man today who they say was behind a series of terrorist attacks, including the bombing of a Bali disco last month that killed nearly 200 Westerners.
5:19:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

FDA looks at stair-climbing wheelchair
CNN - A wheelchair that climbs stairs, shifts into four-wheel drive to scoot up hills and even raises occupants to standing height is a step closer to the US market.
The iBOT is the first wheelchair that can climb stairs -- and shift into four-wheel drive.

2:37:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

American Missionary Worker Shot Dead in Lebanon
ABC News - A suspected Islamist gunman shot dead an American woman missionary with three bullets to the head at a charity clinic in southern Lebanon on Thursday, security officials and aid workers said.
Probably in retaliation for her support of Israel, and her troops stationed in Saudi Arabia.
2:16:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Captures Al Qaeda Persian Gulf Chief
Washington Post -  A senior al Qaeda leader captured recently and in U.S. custody was identified Thursday as Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri who had close ties to Osama bin Laden and suspected of being chief of the network’s Gulf operations, U.S. officials said.
2:13:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

National Review -   The Islamists cannot win, at least not as they conceive victory.

The terrorists' strategy is, of course, delusional to the point of psychosis. No faith, however blind, will make rote memorization of ancient texts, suppression of critical inquiry and dissent, subjugation of women, and servile deference to authority the recipe for anything other than civilizational decline. The Islamists therefore cannot win, at least not as they conceive victory. All they can do is try to bring us down to their level. But on that score, the threat they pose is formidable.

1:01:51 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft warns of widespread web security hole
New Scientist - Microsoft is warning millions of customers to download a fix for a "critical" security hole in numerous software products.
The warning comes just a day after the software giant changed its policy for classifying security issues in order, they say, to simplify matters for ordinary computer users. The highest category - "critical" - is now narrower than before referring only to "a vulnerability whose exploitation could allow the propagation of an internet worm without user action".

  • MS02-066 Security Update for Internet Explorer (Q328970) For: Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, 6.0

  • 12:19:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

    Suicide bomber's father proud of his son
    Jerusalem Post, Israel - The father of the suicide bus bomber who took 11 lives and wounded 50in Jerusalem Thursday morning has nothing but praise for his son.
    12:17:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

    Palestinian leader, Israeli judge face off in court
    Reuters AlertNet - A jailed leader of the Palestinian uprising and an Israeli judge sparred in court on Thursday over the issues of Israeli occupation and Middle East peace.

    If it had been a PA judge, there would have been very little conversation, only an execution.

    Marwan Barghouthi wants (and will get) rights that are not given in the justice system that he calls his own.

    12:05:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

    Nigeria Youths Riot Against Miss World Pageant
    ABC News - Rioting youths torched churches, looted shops and destroyed vehicles in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna on Thursday amid rising Muslim fury over the country's staging of the Miss World pageant.

    Muslim fury based no doubt on the Miss World's support of Israel, and the Miss World's troops stationed in Saudi Arabia.
    11:51:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

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