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Day level permalink November 25, 2002

MS researchers pessimistic over p2p leashing
Broadband Reports - According to a new research paper prepared by computer scientists working for software giant Microsoft, attempts by the Record industry to stop the swapping of music on peer to peer networks such as Kazaa "will never work". The four researchers believe that such services are evolving too quickly to be contained, and will only become more decentralized and difficult to disable over the next several years. The paper also noted that all attempts at DRM technology thus far have been easily defeated.

In essence, say the researchers, file-swapping systems have already won. The only way for music companies to compete is on the same terms by making music easy to get hold of and cheap to buy which is what I have been saying all along!

9:14:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Scientists Create Tough Rice Strain
Newsday - Using sugar-making genes from a common bacterium, biologists have created a strain of rice that is more resistant to drought, cold and salt water, perhaps enabling farmers to grow it in places that have been impossible.
8:12:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

Calif. Court Won't Take Excryption Case
Miami Herald, FL - California's highest court said Monday that a group licensing DVD encryption software to the motion picture industry cannot use the state's courts to sue a Texas man for posting on the Internet codes to break such software.
6:14:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

Moderate Muslim voice falls silent.
Christian Science Monitor - Charismatic young leader leaves Egypt as his popular sermons come under government scrutiny.
5:49:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

No anti-semitism to see here, please move on

QSI Blog- American commentators have been pointing out the resurgence of anti-semitism in Europe. The response from European politicians has mostly been one of denial. No anti-semitism here, please move on.

To combat this non-existent anti-semitism, the Anne Frank Foundation is launching a new campaign and a book. The Dutch daily Parool carried this article with the following quotes:

"More and more, the Anne Frank Foundation is receiving signals from teachers who for instance in their lessons on the Second World War and the persecution of Jews are confronted with anti-semitism under their pupils. [...]" says the Foundation.

Teachers are afraid to give lessons on the holocaust and the hatred of Jews, because half the class will walk out, says Jan van Kooten, head of education at the Anne Frank Foundation. "Another example: pupils from Monnickendam were now allowed by their parents to visit the Jewish Historical Museum, because they did not want their children to learn about Jewish culture, 'because Jews are bad.'"

4:47:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Long term effects of botox are unknown - A leading UK neurologist warns that the explosion in the use of botox may lead to medical problems in the future.

Users don't look concerned.

7:21:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

IBM outs WebSphere 5.0
The Register - IBM will push Web services and simplified management and administration in the latest version of its delayed WebSphere application server, expected to launch today.
7:19:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

22 suspected Palestinian militants arrested in West Bank raids
ABC Online - The Israeli army has arrested 22 suspected Palestinian militants in the West Bank, according to military sources.
7:17:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

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