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Day level permalink November 12, 2002

Analysts study new ' Osama bin Laden ' tape
Independent - Intelligence analysts were examining a taped message last night said to have been made by Osama bin Laden in which he praises a recent spate of terrorist attacks and warns of more attacks if the West attacks Iraq.
9:23:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Cruise Ship Virus
ABC News - Nearly 200 people contracted a contagious stomach virus during a Caribbean cruise that ended Monday, company officials said.
11:33:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

Albawaba Middle East News
Iranian students ignore Khamenei warning
Albawaba Middle East News - Thousands of Iranian students ignored official warnings and demonstrated for the fourth day running on Tuesday against a dissident's death sentence and to demand freedom of speech and political reform.
10:33:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

Napster Co-Founder's New Venture.
Wired - Like Napster, Sean Parker's latest endeavor involves sharing. But this time it's personal information, not music, which isn't likely to rile the music industry. By Xeni Jardin.
10:31:09 AM  Item-level permalink    

PC Advisor

ViewSonic Shows Off Wireless Windows Display
PC World - Company will be among the first to market Microsoft's Mira technology, offering PC access away from the desk.

Displays use built-in support for the IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN technology, also know as WiFi.   A user wielding a stylus pen will be able to navigate the touch-screen displays to browse the Internet or access data such as e-mails and digital photos.

10:04:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli Forces Arrest Palestinians after Kibbutz Attack
Voice of America - Israeli forces have arrested three wanted Palestinians during a military operation into a refugee camp in the West Bank town of Tulkarm.
9:56:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Winnipeg Police services have posted pictures and video on their website of 'wanted' individuals.  Basically they have blurry pictures, and they need help identifying them.
Is this a good idea?  Somehow it feels weird, but really isn’t it the same as a "Wanted" poster, or "Crime Stoppers"?  The difference is where the photo comes from.  Can we be OK with surveillance video being put on the web?

The question I guess that really needs to be asked is: Do you have an expectation of privacy while you commit a crime?

9:38:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

Nigerian Sharia sparks Miss World controversy
ABC Online - Nigerian Government officials are urging contestants not to pull out of the Miss World pageant, amid increasing controversy over the treatment of Nigerian women under Sharia law.
8:19:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

Bishops Defend Revised Policy
Hartford Courant - The leaders of the US Roman Catholic Church sought to wriggle from the suffocating grip of their sex-abuse scandal Monday as many lent support to a newly revised policy on how to treat abusive priests.
7:56:50 AM  Item-level permalink    

Report says watchdog missed Enron clues-newspapers
Forbes - Senate investigators said in a government report that federal energy regulators missed early indications of Enron Corp.'s <ENRNQ.PK> power-market manipulations and financial troubles, according to newspaper reports on Tuesday.
The report by the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, due out on Tuesday, said federal energy regulators missed clues about improper dealings and let confusion over legal jurisdiction prevent them from intervening, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times said.
5:45:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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