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Day level permalink November 18, 2002

CBS News
Life for seemingly dead heart muscle - Doctors testing a new treatment for heart attacks said Sunday they have restored life to seemingly dead heart muscle by seeding it with cells borrowed from patients' own thigh muscles or bones.
3:03:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Settler seriously wounded in West Bank shooting attack; Hamas claims Friday Hebron attack
Albawaba Middle East News - One Israeli settler was seriously injured after Palestinians fired Monday afternoon at an Israeli vehicle near the West bank settlement of Rimonim, east of Ramallah. Another Israeli was lightly wounded.

9:50:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

Man wanted to crash plane in Tel Aviv
Ireland Online - Turkey s NTV television said 23-year-old Israeli Arab, Tawfiq Fukra had told interrogators today that he wanted to divert a plane to Tel Aviv and crash it into a building in a September 11 style attack.
9:48:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

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