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Day level permalink November 14, 2002

Dell's Revenue, Profit Increase
Washington Post - It was another upbeat quarter for Dell Computer Corp., which posted rosy earnings results yesterday, even in a sluggish tech market.
10:36:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC Online
Gates Winds Up Tour of India
Wired News - Microsoft chairman Bill Gates visited India's software hub to talk business and immunize children, winding up a tour during which he pledged $500 million.
Gates met with Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu and health officials in Andhra Pradesh state to review progress made by a child immunization program funded by his foundation.
1:53:34 PM  Item-level permalink    
Enclosure Icon

Church Abuse Policy Revised
Newsday - Reaffirming their commitment to a zero-tolerance policy that would remove from ministry any priest who has ever sexually abused a child, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops voted overwhelmingly yesterday to revise the policy in a way they say will balance the rights of accused priests with the protection of children.

While several bishops protested their inability to return a man to ministry if they believed he had genuinely repented, Brooklyn Bishop Thomas Daily said he understood the need to remove any questions about such a decision.

"We're giving up some of the discretionary authority we had in the past to put a priority on the protection of children,” said Daily, who has been heavily criticized for his role while a bishop in Boston in transferring pedophile priests John Geoghan and Paul Shanley, as well as in several local cases. "But the feelings of the people are such that we can't take any chances.”

These bishops don't get it, even now after all that has come out.   It is not supposed to be their decision.  No one is above the law, and the only transferring of pedophile priests is to be to the secular authorities... that is to say the police.   Brooklyn Bishop Thomas Daily thinks that maybe it is time to give in to the "feelings of the people".  Why can't he see it?  Why isn't it HIS feelings too? 

Bishop Daily, your pope called sexual abuse both a sin and a crime, he made clear that there is no place in the church for people who harm children.  Please read that sentance to yourself over and over again.  There is no "unless we feel he has repented".

10:12:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israelis Say They Capture Man Behind Kibbutz Attack
New York Times - Israeli troops today captured the suspected mastermind of a weekend attack on a kibbutz and killed a 17-year-old Palestinian in Nablus during the second day of a large-scale sweep into the West Bank city.
9:06:53 AM  Item-level permalink    

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