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Day level permalink November 8, 2002

AltaVista searches for a new image.
- The struggling company is trying to recapture its former glory as a search engine heavyweight with a newly redesigned Web site that takes a cue from current search champ Google.
8:53:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Building a wall of cyber trust -  It's easy to bash the record companies for failing to accept Internet piracy; what's hard is solving the broader problem of trust in e-business.
The biggest lesson of Napster and its successors isn't that people with more time than money take things for free when they can get away with it. It's that millions of PCs and other devices with Internet access can work together like one big computer.From your lowly desktop you can now harness the power of other PCs on the network and share resources and programs.

That's great, unless you run a business or simply want to protect your personal files, in which case the file-sharing can be seen as a definite threat.
8:41:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Symantec Fixes Unauthorized E-mail Delete Flaw
TechWeb - Symantec has released a fix for a nightmarish bug in its Norton Internet Security 2003 suite, which at times was responsible for deleting users' e-mail.
8:36:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

Belfast Telegraph
Bush praises unanimous Security Council vote to disarm Iraq
International Herald Tribune - President Bush heralded the unanimous Security Council vote to force the disarmament of Iraq, promising the severest consequences for Saddam Hussein if he fails a final test to comply.

11:56:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

Bobby Brown Arrested For Drug Possession, Speeding
MTV - Singer Bobby Brown was arrested on Thursday morning in Atlanta for speeding, driving without a valid license and possession of marijuana.

You have to figure if you are holding, and don't have a drivers license you would be a REALLY careful driver.

8:18:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

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