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Day level permalink November 11, 2002

Saddam to Have Final Say on UN Resolution
Reuters - Iraq's parliament reconvenes on Tuesday to vote on a motion to reject a new UN resolution on disarmament, but the assembly speaker said deputies would leave the final say to President Saddam Hussein.

Well, maybe not the FINAL say.......
6:02:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Security Firm Embarassed by 'Braid'
TechTV - Russian security firm says hacker stole its email contact list and sent the malicious Braid worm to company clients.
5:32:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Taking on Hollywood
Rocky Mountain News, CO - After two decades in computer consulting, Robert Moore pulled out his laptop and pulled his son aside, hoping to teach the young man a thing or two about dad's work.
What came of their brainstorming last year ultimately blossomed into 321 Studios, a developer and seller of DVD-copying software.
That put Moore - an ex-Marine and college dropout - on the front lines of one of the digital age's most volatile legal battles: the dispute between consumer rights and copyright protection.
4:24:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

Catholic Bishops See 'Fractures' Over Sex Scandal
ABC News - A sexual abuse scandal has caused "serious fractures" in the US Roman Catholic church, the head of the national bishops' conference said Monday, as abuse survivors accused the Vatican of watering down a policy meant to deal with pedophile priests.
4:20:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

IBM 64-Bit, 8-Way Server Runs Unix, Linux Simultaneously - IBM on Monday announced an eight-way server based on a new 64-bit processor; the server is designed to run AIX and Linux, demonstrating the company's commitment to Linux even as a potential alternative to its AIX version of Unix.
2:20:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Author of Books on Stupidity Busted
Newsday - A man who has written two books on stupidity was arrested for allegedly trying to arrange sex with a 15-year-old girl over the Internet. The girl turned out to be an undercover male detective.
James F. Welles, the 61-year-old author of "The Story of Stupidity" and "Understanding Stupidity," was taken into custody last week after arranging to meet the girl at a restaurant, investigators said.
1:50:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Al Qaeda planned to kill Pope John Paul II when he visited the Philippines, according to the Associated Press, which picks up a report from the Sunday Times of London (which no longer makes its articles available to most of us online). "Quoting documents from Philippines intelligence services, The Sunday Times said Osama Bin Laden's lieutenant, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planned on killing the pope with a pipe bomb planted in a park where John Paul was to speak, or if that failed, with high-velocity rifles equipped with laser scopes."

Is this because the Vatican is too pro-Israel, or because of the troops it stations in Saudi Arabia? "opinionjournal"

1:11:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft stitches up net glitches.
CNet News - The technology giant unofficially releases an update to help prevent its wired and wireless hubs from disconnecting computers from the Internet.
The fix could resolve problems in the company's 802.11b wireless, or Wi-Fi, and Ethernet hubs that either dropped connections with local computers or with Internet service providers. Users started reporting problems soon after the network gear appeared in stores around Oct. 1.
1:01:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

New Zealand Herald
Smoking aircraft plunges 34 into Manila Bay
New Zealand Herald - A passenger plane, trailing smoke from its left engine, plunged into Manila Bay and broke in two shortly after taking off on a domestic flight from the Philippine capital yesterday, killing at least 14 of 34 people aboard.
12:31:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Are Macs Virus-Proof?
Newsfactor - Historically, Mac OS users have had little to fear from the scourge of viruses plaguing their Windows counterparts. The operating system's "Classic" incarnation was practically impervious, Macworld editor Jason Snell told NewsFactor.
But Apple's new operating system, OS X, is based on the Unix platform, whose code base has been around for more than three decades. While Unix underpinnings have made Apple's OS more powerful and stable, they also have made it more susceptible to viruses and worms.
12:30:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC News
Dallas priest on the job despite allegations
Houston Chronicle - A Roman Catholic priest at a high-profile downtown church has been allowed to continue serving despite an accusation that he groped and propositioned a worshipper in 1991, according to correspondence and interviews.
12:10:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Two men tired of AOL disks want to send Internet company message
Ventura County Star - Two California men got so sick of receiving America Online promotional compact disks they decided to do something about it. Now they've had thousands delivered to their doors.
Jim McKenna and John Lieberman, who are both in their 30s and work in information technology, are collecting the CDs from the four corners of the globe and say that when they get 1 million they're going to AOL's front door in Virginia to say, "You've got mail."
12:08:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

Drug Agency Approves a Quick Test for H.I.V.
New York Times - The Food and Drug Administration approved a test today that can detect whether someone is infected with H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS, in as little as 20 minutes. Experts said that advance might prompt thousands more Americans to get tested, which in turn might slow the spread of the disease.
12:03:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC News
Bali Suspect Said Student of Cleric
ABC News - A top investigator on Monday said the prime suspect in the Bali bombings studied under a detained Muslim cleric who heads the group that foreign intelligence services blame for the attack.
12:01:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli children among dead in kibbutz attack
The Age - A gunman shot dead five Israelis, including a mother and two children, after infiltrating a kibbutz in the north of the country.
8:48:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

Gates gives India $100M
CNN - Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates announced Monday a $100 million grant to battle HIV/AIDS in India, which has the world's second largest number of victims of the deadly disease.
8:34:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

Hollywood Studios to Launch Online Movie Service
Smart Money - Attempting to counter the growing challenge posed by online movie-swapping, Hollywood studios today will unveil Movielink, an Internet service that will allow consumers to download popular films, Monday's Wall Street Journal reported.
8:32:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

Cancer warning put on smoking joints
Guardian - Smoking three joints a day might do as much damage to the lungs as do 20 cigarettes, the British Lung Foundation says in a report today.

Tar from cannabis cigarettes has 50% more cancer causing chemicals than a cigarette, and smokers inhale deeper and hold their breath longer, the charity warns in a report on Britain's most popular illegal drug, says the charity.

8:24:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

Fatah-linked group claims Israeli kibbutz attack
Reuters AlertNet - A Palestinian militant group linked to President Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction claimed responsibility on Monday for a shooting attack in northern Israel which killed five Israelis.
8:16:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

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