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Day level permalink October 31, 2002

Palestinians query viability of two states
BBC - The accepted international solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appears to be very clear - two states side by side. But the Palestinians are now questioning this.

I think Arafat always has questioned this, want proof? 

This is a map of Palestine, as per the "Palestinian National Authority State Information Service" This is the "State of Palestine" that israeli conservatives know is in Arafat's heart. 


1:35:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

Girls Club cancelled after two airings, Canada - Fox cancelled producer David E. Kelley's new law office drama girls club after two airings because of low ratings.

I don't usually do TV reviews, but this show was horrible.  This was a show about three SUPERMODELS, that are also LAWYERS.  They LIVE TOGETHER, and are only discovering now that men are sexist pigs.  Get it?  They are SMART, and they are SUPERMODELS. 

UPDATE: FOX's Girls Club home page is here.  No mention of it being cancelled.

9:00:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

Winnipeg consultant recommends growing grass on tops of buildings, Canada - Patches of Prairie on the downtown skyline could help solve Winnipeg’s biggest pollution problem by absorbing the storm water that too often washes sewage into the city’s rivers.
8:24:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

Salt Lake Tribune
Protests over treatment of Haitians
San Francisco Chronicle - The sudden appearance of more than 200 Haitians in the waters off Miami has reignited a debate about the treatment of Haitian refugees and posed yet another political headache for Gov. Jeb Bush in the final days of his re- election bid.
7:59:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sony Plans Spring Launch for European Online Gaming
Reuters - Sony Corp. said on Thursday it would launch an online gaming network in Europe next spring for its top-selling PlayStation 2 video game console, triggering a new turf war in the ultra-competitive industry.

Console manufacturers, including Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, are making a big push into online gaming just as home penetration of high-speed broadband access hits a critical mass.

7:57:50 AM  Item-level permalink    

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