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Day level permalink October 2, 2002

Mitnick laptop for sale on eBay
The Register -
Notorious computer hacker Kevin Mitnick has put the laptop seized during his 1995 arrest up for sale on eBay.
10:11:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Marriage is not bad for women, study claims
Ananova - The results contradict studies from the 1970s which suggested that married men were better off than women.

10:09:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

Albawaba Middle East News
Palestinians say no to Prime Minister s post
The Statesman -  The top members of Palestinian leader Mr Yasser Arafat s Fatah faction have rejected calls for a new post of Prime Minister, saying it would serve only Israeli and US interests, a senior official said today.
10:08:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

FBI names most wanted security flaws. The bureau and a prestigious computer-security research group announce the 20 most serious security flaws affecting both Windows and Unix systems. [CNET]
10:04:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Satire site claims victory in 'informal' censorship battle. Small steps and giant leaps [The Register]
3:04:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

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