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Day level permalink October 19, 2002

Looks like another shooting in the Washington D.C. area.
Shooting Reported in Suburban Va.
Austin American Statesman - A shooting at a Ponderosa restaurant Saturday night was being investigated for connection to the string of sniper shootings in the Washington, DC area. The victim, a 37-year-old man, was rushed to a hospital and undergoing surgery, authorities said.
10:15:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

In France, A New Modesty
New York Times - FRANCE is not known as a prudish country, but its center-right government has found itself swept up in a firestorm of debate about whether and how much to legislate sex.

A powerful "family values" lobby with support in Parliament is pushing for a ban on pornography on television.

10:10:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Indonesia Nabs Muslim Cleric
ABC News - The spiritual leader of a militant Islamic group linked to al-Qaida was arrested in his hospital bed Saturday as police accused his fugitive top aide of responsibility for many of Indonesia's terrorist bombings.
10:07:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft pushes up Wall Street
The Age - United States stocks rose again on Friday night, sending the Standard & Poor's 500 index and Dow Jones Industrial Average to their largest weekly gains in more than a year.  A higher profit forecast from software giant Microsoft was the trigger.
2:52:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Muslim Leader Caught in Philippines
ABC News - MANILA, Philippines Oct. 19 Philippine police have captured a leader of the Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf who allegedly was involved in the kidnappings of Western tourists two years ago, officials said Saturday.
9:55:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

"U.S. Wants Guantanamo Ruling Upheld". "U.S. Wants Guantanamo Ruling Upheld": The Associated Press has a news report that begins, "The Justice Department asked a federal appeals court Friday to uphold a ruling that suspected Taliban and al-Qaida fighters held in Cuba have no right to hearings in American courts. [How Appealing]
9:50:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

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