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Day level permalink October 4, 2002

ABC Online
'American Taliban' Lindh jailed for 20 years
ABC Online  A United States judge has sentenced "American Taliban" fighter John Walker Lindh to 20 years for collaborating with the hardline Muslim militia in Afghanistan.
10:21:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

6 face terror charges

Federal officials have charged six U.S. citizens with being part of a terrorist cell, law enforcement sources tell CNN. Five have been arrested -- four in Portland, Oregon, and one in Detroit, Michigan. The sixth person is overseas and not yet in custody. Sources said that after the September 11 attacks, the six tried to go to Afghanistan to train with the al Qaeda terrorist network. . "cnn"

11:20:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

PayPal: Going, Going, Gone  EBay officially acquires PayPal to offer its customers a more convenient payment system. [ PC World ]
10:01:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

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