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Day level permalink October 27, 2002

Israeli 'collaborator' killed
  - A PALESTINIAN woman suspected of collaborating with Israel was shot and killed today and her sister wounded by a group of armed Palestinians in the northern West Bank town of Nablus.
Witnesses said the 39-year-old mother was dragged with her sister from their house in Nablus onto the street outside, where she was shot dead.

This isn't a episode of Sopranos, this is the State of Palestine and a very familier system of justice.

1:25:22 PM  Item-level permalink Burning for You
Washington Post -The record labels may be getting serious about offering alternatives to piracy online: will roll out an upgrade to its Internet music service tomorrow that will allow subscribers to burn more than 75,000 songs to blank CDs for 99 cents apiece.

If you like the whole album, then go down to your local music store and buy the whole album.  If you only like 3 songs, it will only cost you $3.00.  Would you rather spend $18 for a CD of 18 songs you like or $108 (3 songs x 6 CDs x $16/CD) for 18 songs you like?

12:41:48 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC News
Suicide Bomber Kills 3 at West Bank Jewish Settlement
Voice of America - Israeli officials say a suspected Palestinian suicide bomber has set off an explosion on the edge of a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, killing himself and three others and wounding about 30.
12:35:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Olympian
Wall St. Pardons Accounting Deceit
Reuters - So what's $200 million between a company and its shareholders? Not much, say investors who on Thursday loaded up on shares of media group AOL Time Warner AOL.N even after the company restated two years of results.
12:18:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

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