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Day level permalink October 10, 2002

Sydney Morning Herald
Bush on verge of UN win on Iraq
The Age - US President George Bush appears to be set for a breakthrough in his pursuit of international and domestic support for his hardline proposals on dealing with Iraq.
11:22:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

E Online

John Lennon Killer Refused Parole
MTV - Mark David Chapman, the man convicted of killing Beatles legend John Lennon outside his New York home in 1980, has been denied parole for the second time.

Did this really come up the day before John's Oct 10th birthday?

11:15:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Security vendors--it's payday!
ZDNet -After years of dodgy sales tactics, I think that the market for security products will finally take off. Users are going to demand security--indeed, they already are. Why? Not because of hoary scare stories--no matter how justified.
11:07:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

Xbox online? Not so fast Microsoft's online console gaming plan could be a cash cow, but it faces substantial hurdles. cnnmoney

By 2007, Microsoft hopes to have 10 million subscribers for Xbox Live. It's an ambitious goal, but if met, it could mean a cash inflow in the neighborhood of $1.2 billion per year for the company. Like any ambitious goal, though, it has a lot of obstacles in its path. And the company's fate isn't entirely in its own hands.
Chatting with other players is a big component of Xbox Live.

9:00:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq invites US on weapons hunt
BBC - The minister in charge of Iraq's weapons programmes has denied that Baghdad has amassed biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, and has invited the United States to come and inspect suspect sites.

Just don't look in there, or there, and don't even think about under there...

7:57:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

New Drug OKd for Treatment of Heroin Addicts
Newsday - Heroin addicts will soon be able to obtain two forms of a new anti-addiction drug in the privacy of their doctors' offices, a move that researchers hope will bring more people into treatment.
7:55:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

Scientists Identify Gene That Marks Deadliest Form of Prostate Cancer
Scientific American -
Nearly 30000 men die each year from prostate cancer that has spread to other organs of the body. Being able to predict whether the disease is likely to spread, or metastasize, in a particular patient would help doctors design a better course of treatment.
7:52:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

Yahoo bucks online trend by turning another profit
San Francisco Chronicle - Yahoo, the Web portal, defied the malaise in the online industry by reporting its second consecutive quarterly profit.
7:51:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

Suicide Bomber Kills 2 in Israel
ABC News -TEL AVIV, Israel Oct. 10 An Israeli bus driver and a paramedic pinned a Palestinian suicide bomber to the ground Thursday after spotting his bomb belt, then fled with other bystanders before the man detonated the explosives.
7:49:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

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