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Day level permalink October 14, 2002

What's on TV? Whatever You Like.
Wired - On-demand programming services promise to tailor cable TV offerings to viewers' tastes and hobbies. With such clear-cut viewer demographics, advertisers can't wait to get in on the act. By Dustin Goot
3:42:46 PM  Item-level permalink    


World Health Body Urges Sharp Tobacco Price Rise
Reuters - The World Health Organization (WHO) urged governments Monday to raise cigarette and tobacco prices by at least five percent after inflation, saying this could save millions of lives.

2:22:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

CBS News
San Diego's frozen zoo cloning endangered species
San Jose Mercury News - Tucked into a corner room of a Mission-style building up on the San Diego Zoo's Hospital Hill is a modern-day Noah's Ark.
2:08:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Wired News: A Kiddie GPS for the Masses?. You go to RadioShack and buy a casing for your teen's cell phone that tells you his or her whereabouts at all times. You simply log on to a website for a map of the phone's location. [Daypop Top News Stories]
10:47:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

United Press International - Opposition to a fully independent Palestinian state and support for a greater Israel that includes the West Bank were themes expressed at the Christian Coalition's "Solidarity with Israel Rally" on Friday.

"Here's a question to our critics," said Rep. Tom DeLay, House majority whip, R-Tex. "Do we want Israel to look more like the Middle East, or do we want the rest of the Middle East to start looking more like Israel?"

10:45:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

SUBSCRIBERS to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra were horrified when an online version of a promotional CD turned out to contain pornography, a spokeswoman said.

Orchestra subscribers who used internet-based media players to listen to the promotional performances found that some of the tracks had been substituted with descriptions of sex acts, orchestra spokeswoman Hannah Evans said.

"They were pretty disgusting - actually they were horrendous," Ms Evans said.

Police were interviewing a man in the southern city of Christchurch who admitted to accidentally corrupting the material as he tried to make a pornographic CD for his girlfriend, she said.

"He was saving the porn tracks on a CD for his girlfriend and didn't realize his computer actually saved them to the internet," Ms Evans said.

In an unrelated story the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra website shows increased traffic.

10:38:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

Albawaba Middle East News

Falwell Apologizes to Muslims
ABC News -The Rev. Jerry Falwell has apologized for calling Islam's founder a terrorist, saying he "intended no disrespect to any sincere, law-abiding Muslim."


What he said was: "I think (Prophet) Muhammad was a terrorist."   This was his opinion.  A stupid opinion, just like the one where he preached that the Antichrist is a Jewish man and alive today, but just his opinion.  It is not like he has any proof.  I mean he hasn't actually studied the Koran, or done any real research.  What you don't want to do is threaten his life in the name of Muhammad, or commit violent acts in the name of Muhammad.  That would be like proving his point.

10:01:13 AM  Item-level permalink    

Jonathan Miller,chief executive of America Online
Microsoft goes MSN crazy
ZDNet - Microsoft will spend $300m ( 192m) to promote the latest version of its MSN Internet browser and services later this month, the firm said.
9:26:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

Instapundit (a daily must read) points to CLAYTON CRAMER as he looks at Islamofascism.

"They are all infidels." Liberals had better face up to this. It isn't about Israel. It's about Islamofascism. Until American courts are stoning women to death for having children out of wedlock; until French courts are amputating hands for theft; until Britain abolishes television (which, after all, shows images of living things, a violation of the Koran); until Sweden requires women to wear burkhas; until Italy prohibits the making of wine; until Denmark stops making pornography; until Canada makes homosexuality a capital offense--there will be no peace.

8:50:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

We might think we're under attack from viruses but consider the poor Chinese. A new survey has revealed that more than 80 per cent of Chinese computers have been affected by viruses.

The survey, by the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Centre, found that only 16 per cent of Chinese users reported that their machines were virus-free, reported in The South China Morning Post. [ Internet Magazine ]

8:31:21 AM  Item-level permalink    

Developers Put Linux on Xbox
PC World - A group of developers has released a version of Linux for Microsoft's Xbox game console in Europe, promising to turn the device into a fully-featured PC.
8:21:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

RIAA, MPAA Get On Colleges' Cases Over Student File Sharing
MTV - If your dormroom is download central, the movie and music industries are asking your school to pull the plug on you.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and other copyright-owners' groups sent a letter Tuesday (October 8) to more than 2,300 US colleges and universities to inform them of the legal issues surrounding on-campus file-sharing. The letter also asks for the colleges' help in their fight against file-sharing and offers ways to stop it.
8:18:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

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