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Day level permalink October 3, 2002

Microsoft Still Bugged by Software Problems
PC World - Office XP's error-reporting technology is helping the software giant clean its code, but more work is needed.
11:24:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft has released a patch to fix critical flaws within Windows Help Facility which could enable attackers to execute arbitrary code on a victim's PC.

The HTML Help facility in Windows includes an ActiveX control which provides much of its functionality. One of the functions exposed via the control contains an unchecked buffer, Microsoft says, warning that the flaw poses a critical risk for all Windows users.  [The Register]

11:08:28 AM  Item-level permalink    

W32.Bugbear is a mass-mailing worm. It can also spread through network shares. It has keystroke-logging and backdoor capabilities. The worm also attempts to terminate the processes of various antivirus and firewall programs.
People are noticing that because the worm does not properly handle the network resource types, it may flood shared printer resources, which causes them to print garbage or disrupt their normal functionality.
The subject and attachment name of incoming emails are randomly chosen. The attachment will have a double extension ending in .exe, .scr, or .pif.

FREE W32.Bugbear Removal Tool
8:16:20 AM  Item-level permalink    

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