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Day level permalink October 11, 2002

9/11 Inquiry Eyes Possible 5th Pilot. Officials are investigating a theory that a detainee from Al Qaeda was planning to pilot a plane to strike the White House. By David Johnston and Don Van Natta Jr.. [Headlines From The NY Times]
1:43:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

MSN Messenger worm steals game keys
IT World -A worm that spreads through Microsoft Corp.'s MSN Messenger instant messaging program is circulating on the Internet. If released on a computer, the worm opens a back door to the infected machine and e-mails product keys for popular PC games such as Half-Life to an anonymous Web-based e-mail account, according to an alert posted on the Web page of antivirus maker Sophos PLC.
1:33:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Family History Linked to Suicide Risk: Study
Reuters -  People with a family history of suicide and mental illness are more likely to attempt suicide than their peers with no such family history, according to Danish researchers.
12:03:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC Online
Carter takes out Nobel Peace Prize
ABC Online - Former US president Jimmy Carter has won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, in a move intended as a criticism of current President George W. Bush's stance on Iraq.

10:22:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

New planet's trail could signal life in space
The Scotsman -ASTRONOMERS said there was an "odds-on" chance of intelligent life in space after new observations produced the best evidence yet of planets circling stars outside our solar system.
10:15:50 AM  Item-level permalink    

INTEL might have to cough up a $150 million payment after a federal judge in Texas ruled that its next-generation microprocessor infringes a competitor's patents.

The judge found parallel processing technology in Intel's Itanium chip infringes patents owned by Intergraph. While the two companies had previously entered a settlement over similar claims, the deal excluded the Texas case and provided for an additional $150 million payment by Intel if it was decided in Intergraph's favor.
Intel will try to get the ruling overturned efore a final judgment is reached.

10:13:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft warns of 'critical' flaw in Outlook Express
InfoWorld, CA - By Paul Roberts. MICROSOFT RELEASED A security alert Thursday acknowledging
a serious security hole in its Outlook Express e-mail client.

Ironically, the security hole was found in code that is used by Outlook Express to generate a message warning users that problems occurred when trying to verify the authenticity of an incoming e-mail. According to the Microsoft alert, the code used to generate the error message can be exploited and used to create a buffer overflow condition on the machine running Outlook Express.

Here is the patch.

7:57:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

Anti-Piracy Bill Might Silence Singing Fish

Princeton Professor Ed Felton, has a  Web site, which collects a running list of hysterical devices that he believes qualify for regulation because they do not contain government-approved copy protection. On the list: the Tinkle Toonz Musical Potty chair and the singing Big Mouth Billy Bass mounted fish. Both could possibly become illegal if the CBDTPA were to pass. [ EWEEK ]

7:30:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

Dell's printer push will pull cartridge prices down
Business Times, Singapore In July, HP booted Dell out when it became obvious that Dell's founder and chairman Michael Dell had cast his eye on the printer market.

HP gets on the radar big by merging with Compaq, Dell's number one rival.  Now Dell threaten to enter, and drive down prices (read profits) for HP's imaging and printing business.

7:26:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

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