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Day level permalink October 22, 2002

Microsoft smartphone to reach US next year
InfoWorld - AT&T WIRELESS SAID Tuesday that its plans to make available Web-enabled smartphones running software from Microsoft in the United States in the first half of 2003. Similar phones go on sale in Europe this month.

3:23:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

Account of police contact with possible sniper
CNN - A letter was found near the Ponderosa Steakhouse in Ashland, Virginia, where a man was shot Saturday night.

A source close to the Washington-area sniper investigation gave the following account of the communication between police and the person investigators suspect is the sniper.

12:55:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Tumor Caused "Uncontrollable" Paedophilia
Discovery Channel - A 40-year-old schoolteacher developed "sudden and uncontrollable paedophilia" because of a huge brain tumour that affected his self-restraint, according to an unprecedented case reported Monday by the British publication New Scientist.

12:33:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft unleashes Office 11 on beta testers
InfoWorld - MICROSOFT WILL DELIVER to selected beta testers on Tuesday an early version of its long-awaited Office 11 desktop suite that will feature versions of Word, Excel, and Access that fully support XML.
8:05:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

Richmond Times Dispatch
Police Probe New Shooting in Washington Area
Voice of America - Police are investigating a shooting in a Maryland suburb of Washington. It was not immediately clear if the shooting is related to a string of sniper attacks that have terrorized the area since early this month.

8:02:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

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