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Day level permalink October 12, 2002

Shiite clerics in Lebanon, Iran enraged by American priest calling Islam's prophet 'terrorist'
San Francisco Chronicle - Shiite Muslim clerics in Lebanon and Iran have reacted with rage at the Rev. Jerry Falwell for calling Islam's prophet a terrorist and an envoy of Iran's supreme leader reportedly called for his death.

Should he have called him a freedom fighter?  A Martyr?

8:18:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

Stop Fluoride Supplements - Canadian Dental Association
Environmental News Network - To avoid permanent tooth discoloration, the Canadian Dental Association advises against fluoride supplement use for children before their permanent teeth erupt, at about 6 or 7 years old.
5:49:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Courts reconsidering posting records online
CNN - A general manager at the city's hockey arena, Moehring has used the Hamilton County court's Web site to check out potential hires.

He's even turned away a few because of what he found.

But someone used the site to pull Moehring's Social Security number and other details from a 1996 traffic ticket, opening seven credit cards in his name and charging $11,000.

"It was absolutely terrifying," Moehring said. "I got smoked in a bad way. The information is way too accessible." 

5:48:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

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