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Day level permalink October 23, 2002

Security Experts Pinpoint Problems in IE
PC World -Flaws could allow hackers to access files or run code on systems running certain versions of Microsoft's Web browser.
Vendor Warns Of New IE Holes; Microsoft Calls Reports Irresponsible
10:53:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

Winnipeg Sun, Canada - Radio talk show host Charles Adler is being investigated by the Radio-television Telecommunications Commission, CBC Radio reported last night.
CBC reported that Adler, host of a daily morning show on CJOB and a weekly columnist with the Winnipeg Sun, is being investigated by the CRTC in regard to his coverage of the 2002 civic election campaign.
The CRTC received two complaints about Adler's on-air conduct and has since opened a file, CBC Radio said.
Adler did not return telephone calls last night, and CJOB news director Vic Grant said he hadn't heard about the investigation.
"I'm not aware of anything like that," Grant said. "CBC knows more than I do."

Really good comment Vic... I know Charles, and we have worked together.  I listen to him almost every day.  I can tell you that releasing this on the day of the election is just plain stupid.  This looks like a leak designed to do harm, and I predict nothing good will come of it. 

UPDATE: Canoe has pulled the article that I linked to.  Even a search does not bring it up, and it has only been 24 hours.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Canoe's normal practice is to take the story down after one day.  I suppose I won't be linking to them anymore.

9:34:20 AM  Item-level permalink    

Feds investigating 'largest ever' Internet attack
The Register, UK - US Federal authorities are investigating an attack on the internet that has been described as the "largest and most complex" in history.

Rather than a specific entity, the attack was aimed at the domain name system's root servers, essentially at the internet itself, writes Kevin Murphy.

In a distributed denial of service attack that began 5pm US Eastern time Monday and lasted one hour, seven of the 13 servers at the top of the internet's domain name system hierarchy were rendered virtually inaccessible, sources told ComputerWire.

6:30:28 AM  Item-level permalink    

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