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Day level permalink October 16, 2002

Tim Blair: Killing terrorists wipes out terror

HEARD anything from Italy's Red Brigades lately? What about Germany's Baader-Meinhof gang? Where has Japan's Red Army been hiding? Whatever happened to the Weather Underground?

All of these terrorist organisations have more or less vanished. According to the anti-war lobby, which holds that a violent reaction to terrorism only breeds more terrorism, they should be thriving. Andreas Baader's suicide in Stammheim Prison in 1977 should have inspired an army of followers.

Instead, they're gone. Killing and jailing terrorists wipes out terror. The only major European terrorist group from that era to survive in any significant way is the IRA, which tells us something: attacking terrorists doesn't breed terror. Negotiating with them does.

Everytime you think about negotiating again with Arafat, think about this article. 

7:05:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

Malaysia arrests four Islamic militants
CNN -Malaysian police have arrested four fugitives believed to be members of a Southeast Asian Islamic group with suspected links to al Qaeda, the national police chief has said.
10:21:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

Breast cancer answers: Strategies show promise in mice
Boston Herald - ``Yo-yo'' diets, short-term estrogen use in young women and fish oil intake during childhood all may work to prevent breast cancer, say animal studies unveiled yesterday at a scientific meeting.
10:17:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sex abuse lawsuit names clergy, Brooklyn diocese in alleged coverup
CNN - A $300 million lawsuit accuses top clergy in Brooklyn's Roman Catholic Diocese of covering up allegations of sexual abuse by shuffling the accused priests from parish to parish.
10:13:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Idea to HBO show development team:

New reality show, a cross of Sopronos and the Osbournes, "The Husseins".  Follow this wacky, but loving dad as he trys to control his very large family, and run his country at the same time.  Guest shots by the rival family, the Bushs.

8:43:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

AT&T Canada restructuring may change telco landscape
National Post, Canada - AT&T Canada Corp. has signed a tentative restructuring deal that could eliminate $4.5-billion of debt and make life more difficult for rivals Bell Canada, Telus Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises Inc.

"A debt-free AT&T will be a more aggressive competitor," said Ian Angus, president with Angus Telemanagement Group. "They will be in a position to put more revenue into expansion and fight for new customers. When you put most of your revenue into paying off debt, you obviously can't grow much."

7:53:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

Albawaba Middle East News
Israeli army, police prepare to dismantle West Bank outpost
San Francisco Chronicle - 
Hundreds of Jewish settlers gathered Wednesday at two illegal outposts in the West Bank to oppose Israeli soldiers and police planning to dismantle the clusters of hilltop mobile homes.
7:43:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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