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Day level permalink October 21, 2002

4:16:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Siebel Gets Hooked By .Net
Forbes - Today's technology and marketing agreement between Microsoft and Siebel Systems demonstrates one of Microsoft's great strengths and advances an intriguing battle between industry leaders.
4:12:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

WSJ: SEC to Recommend Stewart Charges
Yahoo biz headlines - The enforcement staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission intends to recommend filing civil securities fraud charges against Martha Stewart over her sale of ImClone Systems Inc. stock late last year, the Wall Street Journal reported in its online edition on Monday.
4:08:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft borrows from the future
The Globe and Mail, Canada - Microsoft helped prop up the major markets on Friday by producing what appeared to be blockbuster results for the latest quarter - profits that more than doubled to $2.7-billion (U.S.) or 50 cents a share, and revenues that climbed by 27 per cent to $7.75-billion.
Like several other tech companies that have reported recently, however, the Redmond, Washington-based software giant's performance didn't look quite as good below the surface - which could help explain why the stock only rose by about 3 per cent during Friday's trading.
4:05:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Deadly Car Bomb Kills 13 in Northern Israel
New York Times -An Israeli bus was destroyed by a car bomb on a highway in northern Israel today, the authorities said, and medical workers and others at the scene reported at least 13 people killed and at least 30 injured.
4:01:08 PM  Item-level permalink    

The History of Jesus and James
Austin American Statesman - An expert on ancient inscriptions is claiming that the wording on a first-century burial box--``James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus''--refers to Jesus of Nazareth.
11:55:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Is Washington sniper French deserter?
Ananova - Officials have contacted Interpol about the 25-year-old who failed to return to training after a holiday in August.
9:19:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

Doctors unite to push for tobacco ad ban
Guardian - Ten million doctors across the world have joined forces to urge governments to ban tobacco advertising and clamp down on "misleading" claims made by cigarette manufacturers.

It should be the lawyers that are trying to ban tobacco ads, and the doctors should be looking to ban all smoking in public places.

9:11:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

Man Reportedly In Custody In Virginia
NBC5 - A man driving a white van has been stopped and taken into custody in Virginia, according to CNN.
Police have cordoned off a major intersection in the Richmond, Va., area.
According to reporters at the site, police surrounded a white van at a gas station and arrested a man sitting in the van a short time ago.

Update: Second person in custody, federal law enforcement sources tell CNN.
UPDATE: Authorities have found no evidence connecting two men who were taken into custody today to the sniper attacks.

9:03:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

Dad's 'Immoral' Poem Exiles Son. An Egyptian court's final verdict sentences a man to one year in prison for posting his father's satirical poem online. But the son will evade incarceration by staying in Russia. Sergey Kuznetsov reports from Moscow. [Wired News]
8:47:28 AM  Item-level permalink    

Deep Fritz draws with human chess champ
ZDNet - MANAMA, Bahrain--World chess champion Vladimir Kramnik and his super-computer opponent "Deep Fritz" shared the points and honors in the eight-game series billed as the "Brains in Bahrain" match, which ended Saturday.
7:42:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

E-card Sneakware Delivers Web Porn

It's no coincidence that one of the most recent Trojan horse programs to enter the FBI's bi-weekly rogues gallery of malicious code is named after an Internet porn company.

The program, dubbed "Cytron" by the bureau's National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)and some anti-virus vendors, is a covert browser plug-in that gives Internet Explorer users something they probably don't want: more pop-up ads, promoting a slew of adult websites.

Users are lured into accepting the program through a wholesome e-mail from -- a forged return address. The mail looks convincingly like an electronic greeting card notification, with a cute smiley face background and the text "You have received an e-card" in squiggly block letters.

Clicking on the graphic of a cartoon hand holding an envelope takes the recipient to, where the surprise is an "e-card viewer plug-in" that they have to accept to read the card. If the user accepts the ActiveX control, which is signed with a credibility-boosting digital certificate, Internet Explorer will begin selectively feeding them racy full-sized pop-up ads for adult websites, mostly operated by Canada-based Cytron Communications Ltd. They never do get a greeting card.

7:40:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

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