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Day level permalink October 13, 2002

NASA helps battle West Nile virus - Wielding its view from above, NASA is joining the fight to curb the spread of the West Nile virus on Earth, the space agency announced last week.
9:33:27 PM  Item-level permalink    


Israeli Troops Kill Six Palestinians
Voice of America - Six Palestinians, including an infant and a top political activist, were killed Sunday in separate incidents involving Israeli troops.

Palestinian doctors say a four year old boy died when his house collapsed after Israeli soldiers blew-up the house next door in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army destroyed the abandoned house and one other building after they found tunnels for smuggling weapons. The force of the blast was strong enough to bring down the walls of several other occupied homes, injuring 28 other people.

9:32:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft's less restrictive media player irks studios
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - When it comes to battling video piracy, Microsoft Corp. can't seem to find a happy medium.

The company drew catcalls from reviewers recently with a new version of its operating system, dubbed Windows XP Media Center edition. The software was designed to enable consumers with specially equipped computers to make digital recordings of TV shows, but it automatically slapped all recordings with electronic locks.

Stung by criticism, Microsoft agreed to apply the locks more sparingly and implement one of the standard copy-protection techniques used by Hollywood. But the change has quickly peeved studios because it may let consumers record premium programs such as pay-per-view movies in violation of built-in copyright protections.

5:56:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Potential Alzheimer's vaccine gets boost
United Press International -Prospects for a vaccine to treat Alzheimer's disease have improved as new laboratory studies of the vaccine have shown encouraging results, Swiss and Canadian researchers reported Sunday.
5:28:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Serbia's elections ruled invalid
CNN - Serbia's first presidential elections since Slobodan Milosevic was ousted from power were ruled invalid Sunday because of low turnout, independent vote monitors said.
5:25:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

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