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Day level permalink October 17, 2002

Dell trumps HP for top PC spot. The direct PC seller grabs more share worldwide than its closest rival, Hewlett-Packard. How long can Dell remain market leader? [CNET]

Is dominance in the printer arena possible as well?

1:31:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

In a letter to the editor of the London Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat, Abu Saber M. G., the father of a young Palestinian who carried out a suicide bombing in an Israeli city askes: Why don't Hamas and Jihad Leaders Send Their Own Sons?
10:52:53 AM  Item-level permalink    

Former Lucasfilm Employee Arrested
Washington Post, DC - A former Lucasfilm employee faces 13 felony counts of theft for allegedly stealing sound effects recordings, images, video files and the musical score to the movie "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones."
8:24:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

Saudis seen funding AL Qaeda
Boston Globe - For years, Saudi Arabian officials have ignored Saudi-based individuals and charities that have been the main sources of financing for Al Qaeda, an independent task force reported yesterday.
8:16:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft beta test site hacked

The Inquirer - MICROSOFT'S BETA WEBSITE , BetaPlace, was downed by a bunch of hackers who hacked into the security servers and stole the entire database of Microsoft Technical Beta Tester accounts, we learn.

8:11:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Middle East Online
Bush, Sharon seek common ground on Iraq
San Francisco Chronicle - In an attempt to neutralize the "Israel factor" in any showdown with Iraq, President Bush announced Wednesday that the United States is dispatching a top envoy to try to jump-start the Middle East peace process.

8:08:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

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