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Day level permalink October 29, 2002

Shaul Mofaz was renowned for tough tactics Arrest call for Israeli ex-army chief
BBC - A British lawyer working on behalf of Palestinian families has begun proceedings for the arrest of the former head of the Israeli army, currently touring the UK.

3:13:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

From MUHAMMAD AND THE JEWS: Somehow I knew more of this would emerge. The Associated Press is reporting that "Muhammad also is linked to a shooting last spring at a Tacoma synagogue in which no one was injured, Tacoma police said." So he was a terrorist, a Muslim, a member of the fanatical anti-Semitic group the Nation of Islam and someone who shot up a synagogue. Who'd have thought it? As I've been saying for days now, connect the dots... Because the mainstream media will do all they can to avoid it.
9:17:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

Nicotine cooks body protein
Health24 - Nicotine may hook you but it's the tar in tobacco that does you harm, right? Don't be so sure. The chemical that gives tobacco its pull sears proteins much the way foods brown, leading to potentially harmful changes that could cause disease, a new study has found.
8:10:13 AM  Item-level permalink    

Russian press berates Western media
BBC - Russia's press is by turns indignant and puzzled at western media reactions to the Moscow hostage drama.
7:59:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

Who owns your e-mail?
CNET - Freelance TV producer Nancy Carter says she missed out on a job opportunity when an e-mail ended up in a suspended Internet account. Now she wants to reform the ISP industry.

E-mail has "entered our lives at warp speed, and the law needs to keep up," she said of her lawsuit, filed earlier this month in federal court in Canada. "You can't interfere with the mail. The post office has to return a letter even when it doesn't have enough postage."

Depends on how you think of it.  Maybe it is like the phone service, where if you don't pay your bill, you don't get the phone calls.  You don't pay for email service by the email (like postage) but you do pay by the month like phone service.
7:56:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

Arafat Names New Cabinet.
NY Times - Under pressure to reform his Palestinian Authority, Yasir Arafat announced a new cabinet today and extended an olive branch to Israel. By Reuters.
7:50:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

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