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Day level permalink October 28, 2002

Russia Raid Gas Said Opium Relative
Austin American Statesman, TX - ... Military officials said the US embassy in Moscow had determined that the gas used by the Russians was some sort of opium derivative.
11:16:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

Shooter kills two at Univ. of Arizona
CNN - Two professors were shot Monday at the University of Arizona's School of Nursing, a university spokeswoman said.
11:12:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Southeast Asia Remains Fertile for Al Qaeda.
NY Times - The terrorist network built by Osama bin Laden in Southeast Asia is largely intact and harder to detect than it was a year ago, intelligence officials said. By Raymond Bonner.
11:09:41 AM  Item-level permalink
Supporters Clash with Police as Indonesia Police Detain Abu Bakar Bashir
Voice of America - Supporters of a radical Indonesian Muslim cleric clashed with police as they took him into custody for questioning Monday.
10:46:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

American diplomat shot dead in Amman
Sydney Morning Herald - A senior United States diplomat was shot dead in front of his Amman home as he left for work yesterday, diplomats and officials said.
8:18:30 AM  Item-level permalink    

PC World
First Palm OS 5 PDAs Appear
PC World - The first handhelds running version 5 of the Palm operating system are making their debut this week, challenging the conventional wisdom that Palms excel at simplicity, while Pocket PCs are for power users.
8:16:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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