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Day level permalink November 24, 2002

Laptop computers can burn your lap and more
Straits Times - The bizarre case of a scientist who scorched his genitals while writing a report on his laptop computer has prompted doctors to warn that the device can inflict burns on skin even through clothes.
6:18:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bin Laden Tapes Found in Bali House
ABC News - Indonesian police on Sunday found video recordings of speeches by Osama bin Laden and other extremist Islamic propaganda at two houses once rented by the alleged mastermind of last month's bombings in Bali.
6:17:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Lawmakers Urge Full Probe of Saudi Ties to 9/11
ABC News - US lawmakers urged the White House on Sunday to more aggressively investigate reports that Saudi Arabia funneled money to two of the Sept. 11 hijackers, a charge denied by the kingdom, and whether the FBI failed to pursue the alleged ties.

"We thought we were supporting the Al-Qeida Bowling team.  They showed us the neat shirts and everything."

2:36:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Miss World flees riots
Melbourne Herald Sun - THE Miss World beauty circus fled to Britain today while in northern Nigeria the death toll continued to mount in bloody sectarian rioting fuelled by Muslim anger at the pageant.

And yet the riots continue, could this be about something else?

2:33:30 PM  Item-level permalink    

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