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Day level permalink November 20, 2002

ABC News
New Jersey Rabbi Found Guilty of Murder
New York Times - A Monmouth County jury found a rabbi guilty today of arranging his wife's murder in 1994. The verdict came about a year after the rabbi's first trial, in Camden County, ended in a mistrial because of a deadlocked jury.
8:21:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Merger could warp universe
Melbourne Herald Sun - TWO black holes drifting towards each other will merge in millions of years with a burst of gravitational waves that could warp the very fabric of space.

OK, maybe it won't happen for a few hundred million years, and I don't think we can even imagine that kind of time, but that could be what the big bang was.  A chance to start again, a big reset.

4:39:01 PM  Item-level permalink    


Rioters burn newspaper office over Miss World
CNN Europe - Rioters burned down a newspaper office Wednesday to protest an article suggesting the Prophet Muhammad might have favored marrying a contestant in the Miss World beauty pageant being hosted by Nigeria.

And this is after the newspaper apologized.  This is the peaceful religion.  I am sure these were only militants.  There is STILL no reason to try and figure out why this sort of violence happends over and over again. 

4:33:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

'Net pharmacies, provincial body agree to truce - Internet pharmacies and the Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association have agreed to the province's call for a truce.
Lawsuits filed against the association that licenses and regulates pharmacists in Manitoba have been dropped. - Americans want to buy prescription drugs from Canada at prices often 40 percent to 70 percent cheaper than what people with no drug insurance pay. 

Purchasing drugs in Canada isn't new. Busloads of seniors on Medicare, especially from Northern states, have been traveling across the border for years to save money on medications. Many drugs are cheaper in Canada because the U.S. dollar buys $1.57 Canadian and the government controls prices. In the past two years, dozens of Canadian pharmacy Web sites have attracted Internet-savvy customers from the United States.

But a new twist is that fledgling U.S. firms are setting up offices, especially in the South, to assist people not able or willing to travel or use a computer to cash in on the trend. The operations never handle drugs directly but act as go-betweens connecting American consumers with Canadian pharmacists. Three have opened in metro Atlanta in the last few months, with two already planning to expand throughout the state.

10:21:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

NY Anti-Abortion Militant Admits Shooting Doctor
ABC News - An anti-abortion militant accused of murdering a New York doctor who performed abortions has admitted shooting the obstetrician, but insists he did not intend to kill him, the Buffalo News reported on Wednesday.

"The truth is not that I regret shooting Dr. Slepian. I regret that he died," Kopp said. "I aimed at his shoulder. The bullet took a crazy ricochet, and that's what killed him."


Anti-abortion militants don't kill people, bullets kill people.

9:29:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

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