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Day level permalink November 4, 2002

ABC News
Russia Launches Crackdown on Rebels
ABC News - VLADIKAVKAZ, Russia Nov. 4 Russia troops rounded up Chechen rebel suspects and beefed up security across the breakaway republic in the Caucasus on Monday.
10:07:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Launch Yahoo
' The Osbournes ' Calling It Quits
Launch Yahoo - Sharon Osbourne reveals on a 20/20 segment airing Wednesday (November 6) that the clan is calling it quits after the new season. Osbourne sites the around-the-clock presence of cameras and changes in the family's lifestyle as reasons for the pull-out.
10:05:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

IBM: Still Thinking Ahead
PC World - IBM has donned its thinking cap, revamping its PC line ranging from desktops to services under a new ThinkVantage Technologies division that focuses on helping customers quash the costs of managing and maintaining IBM PCs.

The emphasis on PCs that are easier and cheaper to manage, not horsepower.

10:03:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sniper Suspect Appears Before Judge
Austin American Statesman - The 17-year-old sniper suspect appeared before a federal judge for a closed juvenile hearing Monday as investigators looked into whether two more shootings are linked to a spree that left 10 dead.
10:01:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

Braid virus winds its way through e-mail.
CNET News - Although the latest mass-mailing computer virus is off to a slow start, antivirus companies say it shares some attributes with the widely spread Klez family of viruses.

More on the BRAID VIRUS or W32.Brid.A @mm on
4:05:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Report: Top al-Qaida suspect killed
MSNBC - He is suspected of involvement in the October, 2000, suicide bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen’s Aden harbor that killed 17 US sailors.
Six al-Qaida suspects were killed, including a top operative of Osama bin Laden, when their car was blasted with a Hellfire missile fired from a CIA-operated drone in northwest Yemen, U.S. officials told NBC News.

432 Virgins Await.
3:18:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

Posh Spice Kidnapping Foiled
Rolling Stone - Police in London arrested nine people in a series of raids this weekend, thwarting an apparent attempt to kidnap Victoria Beckham, aka Posh Spice, one of the five original Spice Girls and the wife of British soccer star David Beckham.
3:02:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Middle East Online
Israel suicide bomber kills one after Hamas death
ABC Online - A suicide bomber in Israel has killed at least one other person, and left about 20 people wounded. The blast has come just hours after the killing of a senior Hamas leader in the West Bank city of Nablus.
3:00:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Detroit News
Extreme Surgery For Obese Kids?
CBS News - An operation that dramatically shrinks the size of the stomach to help people lose weight, once done only on adults, is gaining in popularity for children.
But questions abound about the procedure's safety and advisability for youngsters.
12:31:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft looks beyond the court
BBC - In the same week that Microsoft's legal battle with the US Department of Justice ends, the software giant is due to unveil hardware that is partly a product of the time when it was at its most arrogant.


12:27:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

AOL aims for enterprise IM market
InfoWorld - FOLLOWING MONTHS OF speculation, America Online (AOL) is expected to announce a new instant messaging (IM) product for business users Monday, which banks on the success of its wildly popular consumer IM service, AIM.
10:07:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

Intel doubles cache on new Xeons
ZDNet - Intel released three new Xeon chips for four- and eight-processor servers in a move to increase the pressure on Sun Microsystems.
10:04:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

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