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Day level permalink November 13, 2002

Brit charged with hacking Pentagon, NASA
The Register - An unemployed British sysadmin was yesterday indicted for what US authorities describe as the "biggest hack of military computers ever detected".

Gary McKinnon, 36, of London, was charged in absentia with one count of causing intentional damage and seven counts of computer fraud relating to alleged attacks on scores of US government computers in a period spanning over a year.
9:27:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

CBC News
Spare The Salt And Save 150000 Lives
CBS News - About 50 million US adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension. About 710000 die annually from heart disease and more than 166000 die of stroke, according to government statistics.
9:24:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

Simple Blood Test Predicts Heart Disease
WebMD - You may not know it now, but one day soon your C-reactive protein level may be as familiar to you as your cholesterol numbers and blood pressure.
9:23:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

Red Wine May be Good for People's Sanity
Discovery Channel - Nov. 12 Drinking a Merlot or a Cabernet Sauvignon could be good for a person's sanity, a study published Tuesday suggests.
2:08:30 PM  Item-level permalink    


Bin Laden Alive and Kicking?
Reuters - Experts said Wednesday they believed the voice on a tape broadcast by independent television station al-Jazeera was that of the world's most wanted man, Osama bin Laden.

Probably recorded a year ago when he was planning these events.  With the express idea that once they were carried out, he would be able to taunt us from beyond the grave.  He doesn't talk about very much that could not be surmised.  I need a video with him holding a recent copy of the NY Times to be convinced.

11:38:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq accepts UN resolution, Arab diplomat says
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - Iraq, facing a Friday deadline, has accepted a tough new U.N. resolution that will return weapons inspectors to the country after nearly four years, Iraq's U.N. ambassador said.
"The letter says that Iraq will deal with Security Council resolution 1441 despite its bad contents," Ambassador Mohammed Al-Douri said today. "We are prepared to receive the inspectors within the assigned timetable. We are eager to see them perform their duties in accordance with international law as soon as possible."
10:36:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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