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Day level permalink November 5, 2002

Yemen leader calls on al-Qaida members to repent
Ananova - The move follows the weekend attack in which a US missile fired from a CIA plane killed the terrorist movement's top operative in the country.
3:55:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

AOL Loses Subscriber Privacy Suit - A publicly traded electronics manufacturer moved a step closer to uncovering the identity of an America Online subscriber who bashed the company in a chat room when the Virginia Supreme Court sided Friday with a California court ruling requiring AOL to reveal the true name of "scovey2." The case could ultimately land in the U.S. Supreme Court based on First Amednment rights of free speech.
3:53:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sharon Calls for New Elections
New York Times -  Only a day after saying such a move would be irresponsible, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dissolved Parliament today and called new elections for early February.
11:04:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

Probe finds WorldCom case worse than feared
San Diego Union Tribune - The scandal at WorldCom Inc. is much larger than the $7.7 billion in accounting discrepancies already uncovered, an investigation for the bankruptcy court reported yesterday.
10:31:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Province of Manitoba has posted all of its laws on-line. 

Manitobans looking for information about provincial laws that affect their daily life--from adoption to workplace safety--can now find it online at no charge.   This was once a service that was available only to subscribers.

Will all of the other Provinces follow?  Will the Federal Government also do this?  Stay tuned!

10:21:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

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