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Day level permalink December 15, 2002

Iraqi exiles want US in - then out
Christian Science Monitor - More than 300 opposition leaders met this weekend in London to plan for a future without Saddam Hussein.
9:16:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft set to reveal Windows source code in India
The Inquirer - MICROSOFT IS GETTING SO DESPERATE to convert the Indian sub-continent to Windows it is prepared to share the Windows source code with a select band of government bodies.
9:15:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

Arafat rejects al-Qaida aid; Israel bans Palestinian leader from Bethlehem on Christmas
San Francisco Chronicle - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat demanded Osama bin Laden stop using the Palestinian struggle for statehood as a reason for the al-Qaida terror network's attacks, in an interview published Sunday, while Israel said it will bar Arafat from
9:13:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

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