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Day level permalink December 4, 2002

Washington Post - St. Cloud State University agreed today to pay more than $300,000 in damages, send its entire faculty and staff to diversity training and alter its hiring practices to settle a class action lawsuit alleging systematic discrimination against Jews.

The university, Minnesota's second-largest, has 15,000 students on a campus about 75 miles northwest of Minneapolis. Under the terms of the settlement, it also must create a new Jewish Studies and Resources Center, hire a coordinator to teach classes there, and provide approximately $125,000 in funding for the next five years. The university also agreed to create a peer review process that will be available in all faculty retention, tenure or promotion disputes.

4:04:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sharon offers 40% of West Bank
The Age - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon proposed the creation of a Palestinian state in the zones under Palestinian administration, covering 40 per cent of the West Bank and three-quarters of the Gaza Strip.
3:56:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bush signs child Net safety law
CNN - President Bush, pictured here during a campaign stop in Louisiana Tuesday, will sign two bills aimed at protecting children.
3:55:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

New Scientist
Mathematics unravels optimum way of shoe lacing
New Scientist - The knotty problem of choosing the optimum way of lacing up shoes has been solved by a new mathematical proof.
3:54:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

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