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Day level permalink December 30, 2002

Cablevision Takes Aim at Napster's Successors
Newsday - Napster is dead, and now 20 of its successors could bring trouble. Cablevision's high-speed Internet service, Optimum Online, has warned its customers that uploading files using baby Napsters could violate the terms of service.
Optimum Online's warning emphasizes that Napster's successors strain its network. But, without even mentioning the word "copyright," the advisory also satisifies the recording industry's growing concerns about copyright infringement.
10:40:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gunman Kills 3 U.S. Missionaries at Yemen Hospital
Washington Post - Three American missionaries were slain and a fourth was seriously wounded at a Baptist charity hospital in Yemen yesterday by a suspected Islamic militant who smuggled a semi-automatic rifle into the heavily guarded facility by cradling it under his coat like a baby in his arms, officials said.
10:38:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

As Linux advances, Microsoft alters message to lure customers, Canada -Microsoft Corp. executives have called the open-source software Linux a cancer. They've even described the increasingly popular operating system - an alternative to Microsoft's proprietary Windows - as un-American.

But now they're hoping to attach a different word: costly. As businesses increasingly adopt Linux to run their computer servers, Microsoft is shifting the battleground from schoolyard insults or techie-speak to corporate notions of "business value." 

11:03:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

FBI seeking five illegal immigrants
San Francisco Chronicle - With the New Year's holiday approaching, the FBI is searching for several men of Arab ancestry after receiving intelligence they crossed illegally into the United States from Canada and may have connections to others under watch in terrorism investigations, law enforcement officials said Monday.
11:00:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

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