Last updated: 21/04/2006; 10:01:36 PM.
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Day level permalink December 14, 2002

'Fear gene' could unlock mental illness
BBC - The discovery of a gene in mice that plays a role in learning to be afraid could provide clues to the origins of severe mental illness, say researchers.
9:50:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

CJOB cleared of wrongdoing
Winnipeg Sun, Canada - Radio station CJOB has been cleared of any wrongdoing after an investigation into Mayor Glen Murray's treatment at the hands of talk jock Charles Adler.  It was on October 23rd that I reported that he was being investigated.  I mentioned at the time that there would be nothing to it. 

However, reporting that there was going to be an investigation on the same day of the election was, in my opinion, manipulation. 

9:48:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

News.Com: "Will 'Sims Online' alter gaming world?" [Scripting News]
11:01:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

Court misses Internet opportunity
The Age - The High Court has missed a unique opportunity to bring the law of defamation, in so far as it relates to the Internet, into the 21st century.

11:00:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

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