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Day level permalink December 5, 2002

No extra land , no army , no Arafat
Guardian - Ariel Sharon has laid out his terms for Palestinian independence with a vision of an emasculated and demilitarised state built on less than half the land of the occupied territories, and without Yasser Arafat as its leader.
8:40:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Mustard Gas Found in Iraq
NYPOST.COM - U.N. weapons inspectors found mustard gas yesterday inside Iraqi artillery shells at a military complex north of Baghdad.
The inspectors had already known the gas and shells were stored at the Muthanna military site but hadn't yet been destroyed when the previous inspection team left Iraq in 1998.
8:39:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft beefs up bookkeeping push
CNET - Microsoft is revamping its bookkeeping software for small businesses with expanded features and a lower price in an effort to better compete with entrenched rivals.
8:36:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Klez tops 2002 virus charts
The Register, UK - Klez is the most abundant virus for 2002, according to Sophos, the anti-virus software firm.
The second most common virus is the Bugbear worm, which made the number two slot even though it was only detected in October 2002. In third place comes Badtrans, the password-stealing worm which was first detected in November 2001.
7:05:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

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