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Day level permalink December 12, 2002

Subpoenas for clerics in probe of abuse
Boston Globe -Cardinal Bernard F. Law and more than five bishops who worked for him have received subpoenas to appear before a state grand jury looking into possible criminal violations by church officials who supervised priests accused of sexually abusing children, according to people with knowledge of the investigation.
2:08:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

Google Feels a Little Froogle
Internet News - Not to be outdone by rival search operation Ask Jeeves, Google has quietly launched a beta version of a new shopping search engine cleverly called Froogle, which the company says "makes it easy to find information about products for sale online."
10:35:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

From Instapundit - THE SADDAM / AL QAEDA LINK: Why are so many anxious to deny it? Perhaps because having missed it for so long would be embarrassing:

As I reveal in Vanity Fair, earlier this year the Pentagon established a special intelligence unit to re-examine evidence of an Iraq-al Qaeda relationship. After initially fighting the proposal, the CIA agreed to supply this unit with copies of its own reports going back 10 years. I have spoken to three senior officials who have seen its conclusions, which are striking.

"In the Cold War, says one of them, "often you'd draw firm conclusions and make policy on the basis of just four or five reports. Here there are almost 100 separate examples of Iraq-al Qaeda co-operation going back to 1992.

All these reports, says the official, were given the CIA's highest credibility rating - defined as information from a source which had proven reliable in the past. . . .

Iraq must have been more intensely spied upon than any other country throughout the 1990s. If the agencies missed a Saddam-al Qaeda connection, it might reasonably be argued, then many heads should roll.

Yes, they should. The article's conclusion:

Ignoring Iraq's support for terror is a seductive proposition, which fits pleasingly with democracies' natural reluctance to wage war. But if we are serious about winning the war on terror, self-delusion is not an option.

An attempt to achieve regime change in Iraq would not be a distraction, but an integral part of the struggle.

I'm inclined to agree, which is yet another reason why I think that the "go after Al Qaeda, not Saddam" line is a red herring.

9:38:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

Files: Law didn't disclose allegations against priest vying for ...
Penn Live, PA - Cardinal Bernard Law didn't disclose child sex abuse allegations against a priest he had recommended to serve as a chaplain to Air Force families.
8:49:16 AM  Item-level permalink    


The Two Towers: Press Views
BBC - Press critics review the second of the Lord of the Rings films, The Two Towers.

The Daily Mail
Not only is this head and shoulders above the other films of 2002; it is going to inspire a whole new generation of movie-goers and film-makers with the magic that only the cinema can create. It's fabulous and fantastic, in the truest sense of these words.

More reviews ->

8:37:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Big banks buy money transfer firm - The Big Five banks have quietly purchased a small Toronto software startup with the goal of creating a national standard for e-mail money transfers, similar to the Interac network that lets people withdraw cash from any bank machine.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of Nova Scotia, TD Canada Trust, Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank of Canada have each taken a 20 per cent equity stake in CertaPay Inc., created three years ago by principals Michael Ginsberg, Harry Enchin and Brad Badeau.
7:09:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

Salt Lake Tribune
$1.4B 'loan' for Enron was just fiction: hearing
National Post - Morgan Chase & Co. Inc. engineered a scheme that was designed mainly to generate Canadian tax write-offs for bankrupt Enron Corp. through a complex series of transactions that funneled US$1- billion in a circle in a matter of hours, a U.S. Congressional committee heard yesterday.
7:03:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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