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Day level permalink December 6, 2002

Yahoo! Photo AP Photo
Study: Iraq War Could Cost $1.9 Trillion
(AP) - In the worst case, a war with Iraq could cost the United States almost as much as the government spent in the last budget year — nearly $2 trillion, according to new projections. Researchers concluded in a study released Thursday that war with Iraq could cost the United States from $99 billion to more than $1.9 trillion over a decade.
1:34:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Humana to cut 2300 jobs, close three call centers
The axeman cometh to AMP
German Dresdner Bank announces layoffs
AOL to cut hundreds of jobs
Convergys shedding 950 jobs
Delphi to cut 200 jobs in Vandalia
GT Group lays off another 225

Mobile Phone Operator Orange to Cut Jobs

And yet Unemployment Rate Unexpectedly Surges
Maybe Bush and gang didn't expect it, but really, don't they read the newspapers?

12:24:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hizbullah denies any links with al Qaeda
Albawaba Middle East News - Hizbullah on Friday denied Israeli claims that al-Qaeda members had infiltrated Lebanon and were cooperating with the Shiite group.

Why not deny it?  They saw what happened to al-Qaeda's last best friends the Taliban. 

12:04:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Boston software firm linked to al Qaeda raided
CTV, Canada - US federal agents raided a computer software company based in the Boston area after reports surfaced Ptech Inc. had links to al Qaeda.
10:41:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

AT&T , IBM And Intel Form Wireless Venture
Information Week - New company will set up high-speed wireless Internet access "hot spots" in 50 largest US cities. Three industry powerhouses are betting that a wireless LAN technology will fundamentally change business communications.
10:31:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

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