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Day level permalink January 4, 2003

Microsoft's Latest Media Adventure
Washington Post - Microsoft will take a big step into online retailing Tuesday when for the first time it will sell a program both as a download and in shrink-wrapped boxes in stores.

Although everyone is doing this already, you can be sure when Microsoft does it, the retailers will protest that Microsoft is cutting them out. 

8:44:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

Remember that the enemy in World War 2 was probably the Soviet Union just as much as it was Germany and Japan?  Well today think about Saudi Arabia as the Soviet ally, and Iraq as Germany.   Riyadh: Linchpin to a new religious order.

"The fact is, whether or not the US overthrows Saddam Hussein, its armed forces will remain face to face with the country at the ideological center of fundamentalist Islam. That country is not Iraq; it is Saudi Arabia."

11:49:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

GM has best December since 1970s
National Post - General Motors Corp. had its best December since the late 1970s, pulling in consumers with generous cash incentives and interest-free financing.

And what is good for General Motors....

11:40:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Supreme Court backs off DVD case
CNET - The U.S. Supreme Court has bowed out of a long-running dispute over a DVD descrambling utility, dealing a preliminary defeat to Hollywood studios and electronics makers.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor placed a ruling by the California Supreme Court on hold last week, but rescinded her emergency stay on Friday.
O'Connor's decision came in response to court papers filed by lawyers for the defendant, Matthew Pavlovich, late Thursday. The effect is that Pavlovich is no longer barred from distributing the DeCSS descrambling utility by a court order, but he could be sued again if he decides to do so.
11:38:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

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