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Day level permalink January 13, 2003

Two Labour MPs join rock star Townshend in child porn inquiry
Guardian - Two MPs are under investigation for accessing child pornography websites as part of a huge police operation that this weekend embroiled the rock star Pete Townshend.

UPDATE: Pete Townshend arrested.

2:42:30 PM  Item-level permalink    

Judge Denies Appeal in Microsoft Ruling
Newsday - A federal judge has denied a request by computer and software makers to appeal an antitrust settlement among Microsoft Corp., the Bush administration and several states.
U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said two trade associations had failed to justify their appeal, but could pursue their own antitrust lawsuits against Microsoft. In her Saturday ruling, she cited the recent case in Baltimore brought by Sun Microsystems.
12:44:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

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10:24:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sharon Says Arafat's Truce Call Aims at Influencing Israeli Voters
New York Times - Israel's embattled prime minister, Ariel Sharon, spoke dismissively today about Yasir Arafat's appeal for a pre-election halt to attacks on Israeli civilians, clearly implying that the Palestinian leader was trying to help his dovish opponent.
"Not only is the murder of Israelis a constant and permanent goal for the Palestinian Authority, it also has a political purpose," Mr. Sharon said at the weekly cabinet meeting.
9:10:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Popstar's Love Life Takes Iraqis Minds Off War Talk
Reuters - Iraqis are finding a brief respite from talk of impending war in the tangled love-life of the country's most famous entertainment export in the Arab world.
8:55:01 AM  Item-level permalink    

Playstation 2 thrashing Microsoft, Nintendo
The Inquirer - REPORT ON the web site said that Sony's Playstation 2 sold over 6.5 million units worldwide over the holiday period.
8:46:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

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