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Day level permalink January 7, 2003

Microsoft Launches New and Improved Media Player
PC World - Updated versions of Windows Media Player and Windows Movie Maker may be available for non-Windows operating systems.
2:01:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Defendant Acquitted in DVD Hacking Case
PC World - Jon Lech Johansen, also known as DVD Jon, has been acquitted of charges over his development and distribution of DeCSS, a program that can be used to break the digital copy-protection mechanism of DVDs, his attorney said Tuesday.
The court found that Johansen was entitled to access information on a DVD that he had purchased, and was therefore entitled to use his program to break the code, attorney Halvor Manshaus said Tuesday.

Update: While Norwegian teen is cleared, anyone who attempts to bypass copy controls could find themselves in serious trouble, experts say.

1:41:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

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