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Day level permalink January 28, 2003

MS struggles to contain the Slammer worm
The Register - An insight into the problems faced by Microsoft indealing with the Slammer (aka Sapphire) worm is revealed in internal company memos leaked to El Reg.
5:39:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Slammed by Its Own Vulnerability
PCWORLD - Software giant says that unpatched machines on its network were hit by the Slammer worm.
Microsoft fell victim to a software vulnerability in one of its own products on Saturday, when the W32.Slammer worm infested host machines on the Redmond, Washington, company's network, flooding that network with traffic.
The company's travails with Slammer late Friday night and Saturday morning were first revealed through internal e-mail messages obtained by news agencies and reported on Monday.
5:24:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Oversight Committee Assembled
PC World - Final member is selected to join group charged with enforcing company's compliance with the antitrust settlement.
5:21:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sharon Wins Decisive Election, TV Polls Report
Washington Post - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his hard-line Likud Party won a decisive election victory tonight, according to Israeli television exit polls, in a strong vote of support for Sharon’s harsh military crackdown on Palestinians and continuing terrorist attacks against Israelis.
5:19:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

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